First questions about your new vicard with corporate design

Just a few quick questions about your new VICARD and your company before we can start creating your new company design. This form does not yet constitute a contract. We will look at your request and get in touch with you as soon as possible. We start construction immediately afterwards.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by email:

See Vicard info page See Corporate Design info page

Please select the characteristics of your new logo here

  • Details of your Corporate Design
  • Characteristic of the Loog

Questions about your new VICARD

First and last name of the owner

Email address of the owner

Address of the owner

Do you already have a domain and server? If not, please name some domains that you like. Otherwise we will give you some suggestions on available domains

Please give us some details about your company or URLs for your social media channels, newspaper articles, descriptions, etc.

Here you can attach brochures, business cards, your logo and other files that will help us with the design process

Do you already have ideas about which content / text / images you would like to place?

Questions about your new Corporate Design

Letters, name or text of your logo

Slogan or subtitle text (if available)

Are there any special requirements for your new logo? Do you already have ideas or wishes?

Please briefly describe what your company offers and who your target group is

Gibt es Logos von anderen Firmen, die Ihnen gefallen und als Inspiration für Ihr eigenes dienen sollen? Bitte nennen Sie uns die URLs der jeweiligen Logos

Are there logos from other companies that you like and should serve as inspiration for your own? Please tell us the URLs of the logos

Is there a choice of colors for your logo that you prefer? (If you already have a specific one, please tell us the color code)

Characteristics of the new logo

Simple or complex?

Single color or multicolor?

Classic or modern?

Inexpensive or upscale?

Masculine or feminine?

Straightforward or natural?

Please confirm (GDPR)